1 minute read




  • HE’S A GIGA, ULTIMATE, TURBO INTER (aka hard carry in wins, hard inter in losses)
  • 30% damage in wins, 20% in losses
  • 3% support proximity, maybe the lowest in the world
  • 14% jungle proximity, which is actually high for a top laner


  • Underperformer in losses, but ok stats in wins
  • Relatively low support proximity
  • Average+ stats, but nothing really great


  • Doesn’t die much, but does not do much
    • Low damage share in wins, high in losses
    • Low jungle and support proximity, hinting to a disjointed early game
  • Just like Canyon, it’s average+

Bot lane:

  • In their losses, have a higher jgl-bot proximity and sup-bot proximity
    • They do worse when they play for bot


  • They win through top and they properly play for it
  • Their bot is OK but they do not really rely on it for carrying
  • MAD can either hard match top or sack top and try to snowball bot

  • Very “flat” stats despite high number of wins -> They win through mid/late game, not early




  • Good, stable stats
  • They do better when he’s involved early, but overall he’s a stable, strong role player


  • Great K+A@15 in wins (~4)
  • Very low GD@15 in losses (-705)
  • Looks to be tryning too hard to play for kills, falters when it does not work
  • 28% stable support proximity: they’re glued together


  • Above-average supp and jgl proximity, above-average damage share but not OP (especially in wins)
  • Average stats everywhere else, kinda ints early in losses

Bot lane:

  • Low supp-bot proximity, lots of roaming
  • Horrendous early-game stats from Carzzy, but highest damage share in the team
  • Kaiser is as flippy as Elyoya


  • Two teams that let their bot lane fend for themselves and play for solo lanes
    • MAD is more focused on mid while DWG is looking at top
  • JGL/SUP from MAD are imo too flippy to succeed against DWG
  • Their strenghts do not match in the right places imo, MAD could win through bot but they have not shown success with it recently

3-1 DWG, MAD wins one by snowballing top