1 minute read



Team Stats

  • Poor GD@15 against HLE
  • Average GD@15 overall
  • Very long game even after a strong early game

TL;DR: Average to poor stats

Players Stats


  • Absolute monster so far, shining point of the team
  • One of the highest jungle proximity for a top laner, especially in their wins
  • At his scariest on ranged champions


  • Low support proximity, explained by his top focus
  • Does worse in bloody games


  • The inter
  • Does get a high jungle and support proximity
  • Low damage share

Both solo laners struggle on melee champions

Bot lane

  • Almost no kills before 15


Unimpressive team that succeeds when they snowball Xiaohu Disjointed jgl/supp/mid early



Team Stats

  • Poor early-game performance, including a low GD@15 vs DFM
  • Decent mid-game, coming back from early deficit twice and closing before 30 minutes

Players stats


  • Consistent, high damage share, low jungle and support proximity
  • Low early kills and deaths
  • Overall, a rock


  • He’s the inter
  • GD@15 jungler
  • Very low support proximity
  • Nonviolent jungler, 1.2 K+A@15 average


  • Average+, just consistent and doing his job
  • Pretty low damage share, but also low support proximity
  • In losses, Meiko did not even show up mid

Bot lane

  • Poor early game stats
  • Low damage share
  • 83% support proximity in losses: they rage 2v2


  • They don’t understand their own strenght and try to force playing through bot
  • Poor adaptation to the game state
  • Their best chance to win is to actually play for their solo lanes, which is the foil to RNG

Match-up analysis

  • The deciding factor of this series is going to be the toplane

  • RNG has a big advantage because they properly understand their strenghts and play to it

  • EDG can take it if they adapt and properly support Scout and Flandre

    • Scout can get a lead if Meiko helps him instead of babysitting Viper